dinsdag 23 november 2010

Saint Nicholas (Sinterklaas) in the Netherlands

Only 11 sleeps til Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas) comes to most dutch homes to bring the kids their presents!

Sinterklaas and all his zwarte Piets (black piets/helpers) arrived in the Netherlands on November 13 on his steamboat from Spain.  Unfortunately we didn't make it to see the big arrival as Kirsten and Finn were getting their Dutch citizenship from the Mayor in Delft.  But we did see it on National Television afterwards.

It is a "big" event in every dutch child's calendar.  Once Sinterklaas is in town all the kids leave a shoe at the fireplace or end of their bed in case a zwarte Piet visits at night to bring lollies and peppernoten (spiced cookies)  or if they are extra good they might even get a present.  The tradition is to celebrate Saint Nicholas's birthday on December 6.  He was born in 271 AD in Myra and was known for helping the poor. Legend has it that he could calm raging seas and save children etc.

Last Saturday, November 20, Sinterklaas came to Maasland.  He was greeted by the Mayor and all the zwarte Piet's gave the kids lollies and cookies.  The party continued with lots of singing and dancing to some "upbeat" Sinterklaas songs!

Kirsten and Finn brought their friend, Dalcosh, along and the 3 of them went as zwarte Piet's!  Luckily I didn't put too much black face paint on.........it proved to be difficult to remove!

Now it's back to the count down until December 5................... more to come!

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